"Putting Objects in Perspective" Database D. Hoiem, A.A. Efros, and M. Hebert. "Putting Objects in Perspective", CVPR 2006. This README describes both the validation set and the test set. The images for this dataset are a resized (to maximum of 600x800) and renamed (so that they can be put in one directory) from the LabelMe database. Note that providing accurate and consistent ground truth in realistic scenes where objects are often hard to find and occluded is difficult. I did my best, but there may be some mistakes which will lead to a slightly pessimistic quantitative analysis of a detector's performance. TESTSET: The test set contains 600 images, but a subset of 422 of these images were used for experimentation (166 were removed because they were indoor, and 12 removed because the labels were bad and couldn't be changed through the LabelMe tool). popTestImages - all test images popTestset - contains the ts structure with ground truth and info on images ts.imnames{1:600} - the name of each image ts.gtruth(1:600) - the ground truth of each image bbox(nobj, 1:4) in format [x1 x2 y1 y2] objType(nobj) - 1 for car, 2 for ped ts.good_inds(1:422) - the indices of the images that are used ts.db(1:600) - information about the folder/names/annotations of the images in the original LabelMe database popTestHorizons - contains horizon ground truth for the first 100 images horizons(1:100).imname - name of image horizons(1:100).b - y-position (from top in pixels) of horizon line horizons(1:100).height - height of image in pixels VALSET: Same as testset but with "Test" replaced by "Val" and "ts' replaced by "vs".